
Showing posts from February, 2018

Global Village Student example

In this module, I learned about cultural diversity. I will know that I have reached acceptance in terms of other cultures when I can integrate other's perspectives, adopt some that appeal to me while still appreciating my own unique perspective.  I agree that I am drawn to people with commonalities… some commonalities can reside under the surface of social stereotypes. I will show respect for others by empathizing with other cultures, understanding why we are different and correcting misconceptions of others. I will try to view the world objectively through the lens of others. When I don't know, I will ask with genuine curiosity. Individuals who are stereotyped by others aren’t seen for who they are and what they can contribute. Stereotypes can influence interactions negatively. Stereotyping can cause people in a workplace to treat individuals or groups a certain way based on preconceived notions about that person or group. Diversity factors, including ethnicity, race, c...


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